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Abandon Swimming this week:
- If yes is clicked then a banner will display at the top of each screen saying “Racing cancelled – dd-mm-yyyy”. Use this to let the members know that there will be no swimming this week.
Select Season Start Date / End of Season:
- Enter the beginning and ending of the current season (or season that is about to commence)
Membership due date:
- Enter the date membership is due by. A warning will appear on the registration screen for members who are unpaid by this date. If you don’t want the warning to appear then just put 31/12/2099 in this field. Use the Families or Names menu options to flag a member as paid.
Select Race Date:
- From the drop down list select the date that the members will be registering to swim on.
Edit Date List:
- Click this button to bring up the Season Event List so that more dates can be set up for the swim season.
Allow website registration:
- Click on yes to allow people to register to swim on the selected race date (see above).
- Normally just leave at yes, but you may have no selected to stop registrations until you want members registering for the upcoming race date.
Select Championship Date:
- If you have a club championship date then select that date from your event list here.
Allow Championship Registration:
- Click on yes to allow people to register to swim in the championship carnival.
- Normally just leave at no until the week of the championship then select yes. The System allows entry to a normal race date and the championship events if both registration entries are yes. Note: The championship registration screen is a separate menu option and is not done through the normal registration menu option.
Age At:
- Select the point in the season that determines your age. Choices are age on the first day of the season or your age on the 1st of January during the season.
Adult Age:
- Enter the age at which a person becomes an adult (really for handicap events only as Championships need to have an age range defined)
Swims to Qualify:
- If there is a rule on how many days you need to have swum on to qualify to swim in the championship events, then enter it here. When a swim registers on the championship screen they will receive a warning that they haven’t qualified. They can still register and swim but it is up to the club to have the final decision on who is eligible and who may win trophies etc..
Display Swims:
- If yes selected then each swimmer will see how many times they have swum this season.
Number of Lanes:
- This defines the maximum number of swimmers to be put in a single heat. Usually just left at the number of lanes in the swimming pool. If you can’t use all the lanes then change this field to the number of lanes that are available.
Lanes to be printed:
- Enter the number of lanes to be printed on the Call sheets and result sheets. This can be greater than the number of lanes above (but not less than) and these extra lines will be left blank (may be useful where you want to leave some empty lanes for late entries or maybe new members on your open day…)
Place Point Table:
- Set this table up so it show how many points a swimmer gets depending on their place and how many people were actually in the race. Note: the number of people in the race is determined when the heat was created and if a swimmer doesn’t actually swim they still actually count in the number of swimmers. If you don’t want this to happen they you can still manually remove that swimmer from the heat when you enter the results.
Points for Time Trial:
- Enter the number of points a swimmer gets for the very first time they swim a particular stroke/distance i.e. when they swim their time trial and set up their handicap for next week.
Display Banner:
- Selecting yes for this option triggers the web site to display a banner across the top of each web site page. What get displayed is the html text entered in the box below. It can be useful to notify members of say an up coming open day.
Banner Html Text:
- A little bit of Html knowledge is needed to enter the Banner text. You could use some external html creation program and just use copy and paste to set up your banner text if you want.
Email return address:
- This the email address that replies will be sent to when a person replies to an email sent by the system.
Maximum Entries:
- Enter the maximum number of races a swimmer can register for on any one day. This was added to try and reduce the number of heats on a day (it was needed when there was a limited number of lanes available and the program was running much longer than normal)